The Unexpected RV Problems On The Road

The Unexpected RV Problems on the Road.jpg

You may just have started your long awaiting RV trip. After few hours or days it could start showing problems unforeseen. It is not mandatory that your RV will show issues but there are high chances of problems if you do not maintain it and check it before starting the wheels. Here goes the common problems for which you may need to do RV repair.

  • Water Lines/Water Pump Issues

Most of the RVs are used for recreational purposes in the summer. Most people do not travel with their RV in winters. When the RV is in the hanger, you should make sure that the water tanks are protected and has no water. Water inside can freeze up in winter and expand resulting in wear and tear in the tank. Moreover, water freezing will cause line burst, pump damage and more.

  • Toilet Issues

Toilet issues are quite common with the RV on the road. You may not feel comfortable with community toilets or there could be nothing in a forest. Toilets must be bio-degradable and can last for a long time with wear and tear yet after rough use. The bumps, bounces of the road and wilderness can make the lifespan short. Some of the common toilet issues are constant water flow, broken valve or the rubber seals. If these are the problems they should be addressed as soon as possible.

  • Tire Issues

If the RV has already traveled a lot of distance you should take care of the tires. Flat tires are threats to the roof. When not maintained rightly you can experience sudden tire burst, air issues and more.

  • Roof and Window Issues

The windows and roofs of an RV must be maintained well. They are constantly exposed to different weather conditions as you keep on traveling. The materials face constant wear and tear and often this could be a problem to mobility. Not only the weather but also loose debris, trees also make damage to the roof.

To prevent the window damage from the travel vibration, sealant and more rubberized finish should be in good condition. It prevents leaks and the other external elements. The sealants are shock absorber, succumb the persistent jarring and element exposure of the weather. Ask us at Silverado Road Services for RV repair. Tell us the location and we will get you covered.