About to Start a Trip? Here is the Checklist

Regardless of whether you are planning a weekend trip or a month's drive away, you should have a checklist of things to do before you depart. You need to make sure from one place to another you are safe. As an RV owner, you must include some important things in your checklist before every trip to make an easy mobile RV repair.

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  • Air Pressure

Make sure that your tires are pressurized during cold conditions. Low inflation is a major cause of tire blows during travel. Every 2-3 years due to the longer RV storage "off season" it is also very important to properly maintain, inspect and replace tires.

  • Secure the Loose Items

Check that there are no items left. Close all doors, cupboards, rooftops and enclosures to avoid damage on the road.

  • The Fluid Level

Check motorized RV fluid levels. Make sure your tow vehicle fluid is checked when you possess a trailer. Recall the generator, regularly check oil level!

  • First Aid Kit

Have all the essentials in the first aid kit. To suit your needs, activities and situations you should personalize your kit.

  • RV and Camping Cooking Checklist

Ensure your next camping adventure has adequate cooking and prepared food equipment and utensils. Depending on the type of campsite and activities you plan on, your locations, your year and the duration of your journey, your list will differ. Add or remove items according to your needs.

  • Kitchen and Bath

This checklist is perfect for those traveling for the weekend inside your platform. For each journey, this is a must if you need to repack your trailer.

  • Personal Belongings

Do not forget to use this handy check-list before you go on your next RV adventure so your clothing and personal supplies won't be forgotten.

  • Before the Trip

Before leaving for your trip, do not forget to check the pre-trip checklist. We have been trying to make your journey easy, from the closing and securing of windows to the retraction of stabilizers.

  • Camp Set up Check List

Enter the valuable "to-do" list in setting up the camp for a smooth RV camping experience. The checklist has contributed from the moderator of the Open Roads Forum, Lou Leopold.

  • Camping Safety Tips

When participating in open-air activities, use your common sense. Be prepared always for the unforeseen. Take no unnecessary opportunity. Be careful to think before you act.

  • Be a Good Neighbor in the Campsite

When staying on a campground, most RVers are considerate of fellow campers. A good rule of thumb is to treat others as you wish. If we all follow these simple tags on the campsite, everyone in the campsite has a fun and safe camping experience.

  • Tools to solve problems with RV

Without them, don't leave home! Make sure you review the RV Trouble Shooting Tools checklisted before you start a cross-country experience. It lists all the key equipment and tools needed for your next journey.

Contact us at Silverado for the last minute mobile RV repair in OKC.

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