How Diesel Tuning Optimizes Your Truck’s Performance?

How Diesel Tuning Optimizes Your Truck’s Performance.jpg

Diesel tuning and ECU restoration are used in order to give your truck an additional torque by safely changing your fuel injection rate to optimize and improve the performance of your diesel truck by up to 20%. You will see different results depending on the factory and model of your car. But if you want more power than the Silverado Road Services team can help you do this.

  • Diesel Performance Improvement

Tuning your car will enhance your power, torque, and speed, which essentially will improve the performance of your diesel vehicle. Generally, the diesel tunes will be of benefit to more modern or turbo fuel vehicles. Fixing newer vehicles is also much easier because they have more adjustment points, reducing the time needed to replace the ECU.

Expect these remarkable advantages to improve the performance of your vehicle. More torque with mid-range power, fuel savings resulting from repair, longer intervals between services, better fuel consumption and reliable engines compared to petrol cars.

  • Fuel Efficiency and Utilization Improvements

An added benefit of improving fuel efficiency and consumption for tuning your vehicle. This occurs when your fuel injection rate and timing is fine tuned to encourage more fuel to enter the cylinder, to burn or "bang" fuel more efficiently as it produces higher power.

Fuel can also be saved if your fuel pressure is affected by tuning. This will increase the efficiency of the diesel blend with the air in the engine. This extra fuel efficiency is helpful when you are on a higher gear, because the engine is less programmed to rev, which injects less fuel while you sit in the higher gear.

  • Trucks That Are Best Suited for These

New and turbocharged models benefit most from a diesel tuning. In that case, even with a newer model you may also have to reflect whether this is right for you, if you need no extra capacity or do not regularly use your vehicle.

  • Need Further Improvement in Performance?

Not sufficient power yet? Consider the purification of carbon or DPF/EGR. It improves your engine and cleanses any harsh carbon deposits materials.

Please contact Silverado Road Services directly for more information about diesel tuning in OKC, or for further enhancement of performance or reprogramming, especially for off road situations.