Using a Portable Generator- How?

Using a Portable Generator- How.jpg

Portable generators can save your life when you camp. Okay, perhaps not so much for a savers, but sometimes when you are dry camping or boondocking, they can keep the stuff going (camping with no connected utilities).

What do you need a portable generator?

A portable generator supplies 120 volt (same "type" of power you get when connected to the campground) to your RV and battery. This means that you can use certain features that you could not otherwise use only when you use battery power (without an inverter). You can also charge your house batteries by connecting your RV to the generator. A portable generator isn't suitable for all, however. But for RV repair, it is one of the most needed things.

You don't need a mobile generator if you are connected to power ALWAYS by full connections.

  • To recharge (if you don't have solar) your batteries

  • To use 120- volt equipment and electronics

  • You need a way of recharging and possibly using some of the equipment in your rental system if you have dry camping for a few days.

  • You will need a generator unless you have sufficient amplifier hours stored in your batteries to last the whole journey.

  • Sometimes you may also need it, because some stuff in your RV won't work without it. Some of the typical things that won't work without 120 volts are household outlets, air conditioners, a microwave (mainly), and televisions requiring a 120 volt power supply (if you do not have an inverter).

  • In addition, lead-acid batteries should never be decreased to more than 50 percent if you have the most common kind of RV batteries. (The batteries for lithium are different, but lithium does not exist most people.)

  • Installation of lithium battery

  • Plumbing batteries have to be recharged up to 100% when they are nearly 50%. Depending on your power consumption, you can easily get to (or less) 50% daily. Allowing more than 50% charge over and over to your batteries will 'kill' batteries prematurely and quickly.

  • Connecting your RV to a portable generator is an excellent way to recharge your batteries. You will also have 120 volt power in your RV when connected to charge your batteries. This means that you can use most of your RVs, be careful not to use two power-hungry devices, for instance your air conditioner and microwave, because that can exceed the power the generator is capable of producing.

The Usage of a Portable Generator

Well, that's easy. Connect the power cable to your RV. Wait! Some generators don't have an outlet that fits your RV plug. You need a 'dogbone' adapter which fits your RV connector and fits the outlet generator in this case. Some generators are ready to accept your RV connector. Not many. There are many.

Turn your generator on to connect according to the instructions of the manufacturer. You have 120 volt power and you're automatically charging your batteries. You can plug in your electric power cable for a minute or two then plug in and boom.

Ask the experts of RV repair service of Silverado Road Services in OKC if you wish to know more about portable generators.